Empowering Success

At Brokers Premier, we're here to support people and businesses with a bunch of different services. We want to help you reach your full potential and see real results. Our services focus on knowing a lot, being creative, and finding solutions that fit your specific needs and goals.

Book-to-Film Representation

Partnering with Brokers Premier gives you access to a skilled team with industry expertise, ensuring favorable deals and maximizing your intellectual property's value.

Book Publishing Representation

We turn captivating stories into published masterpieces. Our services cover the entire publishing journey, from manuscript evaluation to negotiations with top publishing houses, ensuring your work reaches bookshelves worldwide.

Rights Management

Our expert team navigates the intricate realm of intellectual property rights with finesse. Specializing in rights management, we protect your creative work, maximize its commercial potential, and secure licensing agreements while exploring global distribution opportunities.

Strategic Partnerships

Brokers Premier thrives on collaboration, forming strategic partnerships in entertainment and publishing. Our vast network connects you with literary agents, film producers, and industry professionals, amplifying the reach and impact of your work. Together, we unlock a world of possibilities.

Intellectual Property Evaluation

Recognizing the importance of your intellectual property, our brokerage firm conducts thorough evaluations to assess market viability and commercial potential for your literary works. With detailed analysis and research, we offer insights to guide informed decisions on adaptations, licensing, and overall IP strategy.

Branding and Marketing

Forge success in publishing and entertainment with a robust author brand and targeted marketing. Our brokerage firm provides guidance in crafting compelling author bios and developing personalized marketing plans. We collaborate with experts in branding, publicity, and digital marketing to elevate your presence.

Negotiation and Contract Services

Navigate negotiations and contracts with ease. Our seasoned team of negotiators and legal experts provides comprehensive support, ensuring your best interests are represented from initial discussions to final contract execution. We maximize the financial and creative value of your literary works.

International Rights Representation

Expand your work's global reach with our expertise. Specializing in international rights representation, our brokerage connects authors with publishers and production companies worldwide. We handle licensing and translation rights complexities to ensure your work reaches a global audience.

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